Archive for June, 2009

This workout is normally done by the Chicago Lions RFC Sevens team if practice gets rained out. Give it a try and see how you do.

7s Circuit Training @ Home or in the gym

1 hour 15 minutes

Warm Up

Do the dynamic exercises but in place with a longer hold and only half as much.

Perform each exercise for 30sec rest for 10sec.

Water break between entire circuit 3 minutes

(approx 10-12 min for entire circuit) Complete 4 Rounds of the circuit

1. Star Jumps
2. Bicycle Crunches (keep your shoulders up alternate side to side)
3. Clap Push Ups (not for time, do 15)
4. Single Leg Squat Touchdown (to foot) (Left)
5. Single Leg Squat Touchdown (to foot) (Right)
6. Push Ups X25
7. Supermans
8. Fast Punching (Shadow Boxing)
9. Front Planks (with alternating leg raises)
10. Side Planks (Left) (Earn a star by raising your Right Leg)
11. Side Planks (Right) (Earn a star by raising your Left Leg)
12. Squat Jumps
13. Wall Sit (no break between Wall Sits)
14. Wall Sit
15. Split Cycle Lunge

Stretch at the end (calves, groin, hip flexor (Lunge, make sure pelvis is tilted forward), quads, chest, shoulders, and hips).

it was bitter sweet to see John when he got back from Everest. I met with him at Morgan Street Cafe. He had been on Everest just some 50 hours prior. He had lost 30 pounds and had taken a bit of a beating from the mountain but he always has such a great attitude. Below is a link to his blog detailing the events that led him to descend from Camp IV after 24 hours in the “death zone.”

The 2nd link is a short clip of the storm they descended through to make it back to base camp.

You can still donate to his cause to further orthopeadic research by going to

Discovery Channel will be airing 6 one hour episodes of John and Jon’s summit attempt in November of this year.

Golden’s Blog:

Video Clip in the storm: